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Apartments of the Company “Lit Geo Invest” were transferred to 132 refugee families | www.litgeoinvest.ge
Kurdiani street Saburtalo Palace

Apartments of the Company “Lit Geo Invest” were transferred to 132 refugee families

Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia, Sozar Subari, and Vice-premier, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Dimitri Kumsishvili met to 132 refugee families to whom were transferred the apartments in the new-built blocks by the Company “Lit Geo Invest”.  The Ministry purchased 132 apartments on Dadiani Street, in the limits of the project of purchasing the residing areas from builders, from “Lit Geo Invest” LLC on basis of the competition. Residing areas were transferred to the refugee families according to the criteria of long-term resettlement on N7 Dadiani Street. From 132 apartments 84 are one-roomed, 24 – two-roomed and 24 – three-roomed. In the limits of the project of the builders 200 refugee families will receive the residing areas on Dadiani Street at the end of 2016.