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Started the construction of the new main office of Procredit Bank | www.litgeoinvest.ge
Kurdiani street Saburtalo Palace

Started the construction of the new main office of Procredit Bank

In May “Lit Geo Invest” started buildingthe new main office of Procredit Bank. The building of 12000 square meters that is completed about in 2011 will be intended for the employees of the main office of the Bank. Now the main office of Procredit Bank is located on Agmashenebeli Avenue. The new building that is built on Al. Kazbegi Avenue will be easily approachable for the customers, partners and employees of the bank. It is also intended for those employees who will join the team of the Procredit Bank in the future. The new building will have three functions: of main office, training center and new central branch. The building equipped by modern building technologies, with conference halls, meeting and studying rooms guarantees the effective working process. Spatial seven-storey building will be covered with glass roof, atrium located in the middle creates quite and favorable atmosphere. This building of modern design will become the sightseeing of the district. In the neighborhood of the building small park will be made that makes working environment more pleasant.